Listening to the Heart

Red heart

“There’s more to life than increasing its speed.”  –Gandhi

Our world can be chaotic and have many distractions, and it’s easy to get stressed and even feel depressed. I have to slow down and find the time to create a quiet place in my world every day. I’ve found that it isn’t hard to create that quiet place, and I’m always glad when I do. Unplugging for a while–no computer, cell phone, television, radio, social media, podcasts, etc. for an hour (or more, if I can fit it in) is really helpful. Paying attention to my breathing and slowing it down and getting so quiet that I can feel my heart beat brings me to a place where I can hear that still, small voice within, the voice of the heart, spirit or soul.

Slowing down and listening is something that most people don’t do. It’s so easy to be distracted by all the activity in the world.

Asking the highest parts of myself for clarity or guidance for my highest good to function at my best is my focus, and I’ve learned to hear the response of my heart. With practice, listening can become clearer and clearer. I usually write down what I “get” in my journal. Sometimes it’s not what I want to hear, but it always comes from a place of love. “You need to de-clutter your office to feel more comfortable there.” or “Do a workout. You’ll feel better.” Lately, it has been, “Call your senator about this issue.” or “Slow down to really listen to and talk with people more.” Or, “Get out of your comfort zone and reach out more to those you don’t know.”

It’s a day-to-day thing, but listening to that loving, still, small voice within is always helpful. It opens me up more and more to what is needed in my life and how I can be of more service in the world.


©Copyright, 2017 Mary Claire O’Neal

Mary Claire O’Neal is the author of the award-winning book, Becoming What You Want to See in the World, a communication and leadership coach, consultant, Heartmath® Certified Trainer. For more information: and



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